Archive for the ‘Christian accountability’ Category

A quote about certainty


“More dangerous than ignorance is educated ignorance masquerading as certainty. A brand of ignorance convinced it knows the truth because it has, at length, looked into ONE SIDE of an issue, is a far more dangerous thing than even anti-intellectualism because it appeals to our inner desire for certainty, and so can quickly become viral in nature. Regularly challenge yourself by looking at ideas that run contrary to your own, it’s the only way to combat this disease.” – Jeff Turner, from his Facebook post

A quote about enemies


“Remember to always separate victims from enemies. No man is your enemy, systems of thought and ideologies that enslave are your enemy. Human beings, even when working for these systems, are victims who need love, understanding and rescue.” – Jeff Turner, from his Facebook post

A quote about having an open mind


“Being proven wrong is a beautiful thing!

Open minds and hearts never resist growth or an expansion of understanding. They delight in being challenged, stretched and made uncomfortable by foreign ideas. They do not eschew books or teachers that make them think, and they certainly do not hide from correction. They run towards challenging, boundary-stretching and thought-reforming things!

Delight in being challenged.

If you ever stop growing, you’ve stopped living.”

– Jeff Turner, from his Facebook post

Two quotes about Christian identity


“We have to understand, it’s not those who call themselves Christians who are true sons & daughters of God, but those who follow Jesus, regardless of what they call themselves.”
– Boze Herrington, in his Facebook post

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’”
– Matthew 7:21-23

A quote about church culture


“Christians, don’t let racist, misogynistic, and homophobic comments ‘slide’. Stand up for the bullied, not the bullies. Advocate for the oppressed, not the oppressors. And don’t let anyone shame you as ‘divisive’ when you do so.”

– Rachel Held Evans, in her excellent and highly recommended blog post “Changing the Culture that Enabled Mark Driscoll: 6 Ways Forward”